On connection and Tony, Tony looking around
Lots of people know that Saint Anthony of Padua is the patron saint of lost things. "Tony, Tony look around: something's lost that must...
On connection and Tony, Tony looking around
On the return of Marguerite and Saint Peter at a matinee of Dreamgirls
On dropping through roofs, empty-headed singers, and simplicity
On hope, despair, and a bird named Burt
On a holy crown and touching saints
On feeling sound and being prepared
On VE Day and Maya Angelou
On the NHS and a bell
On seeing angels
On light, darkness, and jesting
On kindness, Intrigue, and nuns who polka
On golden calves and making excuses
On jumping sheep and apostles
On questioning and a pigmy mule, darling
On bad haircuts and Catherine of Siena
On supermarkets, visits, and the ordinary
On Hawai'i Pidgin and God
On tapping into eternity
On Sonny, Cher, and prayer
On omers, bushels, and pecks